Thursday, March 29, 2012

Convert Access CROSSTAB query to SQL Table or View

I have a Crosstab query that I need to convert to SQL to complete upsize of a large DB.
I have a table (here referred to as Data) with the fields: Resource, Date and Count. I need to transform it to a table (or view) with a fields called Date, and one field for each Resource that exists in the Data table.

The Data table looks like this:
res1 Jan06 5
res2 Jan06 4
res3 Jan 06 2
res1 Feb06 9
res2 Feb06 5
res3 Feb06 7


The Access crosstab query sql is:
TRANSFORM Sum(Data.Count) AS SumOfCount
SELECT Data.Date
GROUP BY Data.Date
ORDER BY Data.Date
PIVOT Data.Resource;

which gives the resultant data set for charting:
Date res1 res2 res3
Jan06 5 4 2
Feb06 9 5 7

TRANSFORM is not T-SQL. I assume I need a usp to create the required table. Any ideas please?

George Cooper.

In SQL Server, you can use either CASE statement to pivot the table or PIVOT function in SQL Server 2005.

Here is CASE solution:

AVG(CASE WHEN res ='res1' THEN sCount END) as res1,
AVG(CASE WHEN res ='res2' THEN sCount END) as res2,
AVG(CASE WHEN res ='res3' THEN sCount END) as res3
FROM (SELECT sDate, res, sCount FROM myDATA) p
WHERE res IN ('res1', 'res2', 'res3')
ORDER By Convert(DATETIME,'01'+sDate,13)

PIVOT solution:(SQL Server 2005)

SELECT sDate, res1, res2, res3
FROM (SELECT sDate, res, sCount FROM myDATA) p
PIVOT (AVG(sCount) FOR res IN ([res1], [res2], [res3])) AS pvt
ORDER By Convert(DATETIME,'01'+sDate,13)

You need to pay attention to your so-called Date column. I convert the text (nvarchar) field to datetime for sorting purpose.



Pivot soultion works well.


George Cooper

|||There is an interesting article on this issue at:


But if the number of destination columns (res1, res2, res3,...,resN) is unknown?

Using SqlServer 2000.

Later i found these great article:

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