TRANSFORM IIf(Sum(IIf([blockinyield]=True,[SIZE],0))>0,Sum([Y_TOTAL_ton])/Sum(IIf([blockinyield]=True,[SIZE],0)),0) AS Yield_THA
SELECT OILPALM.NAME, OILPALM.YEAR, formatyear([year]) AS yearDisplay, Count(OILPALM.BLOCK) AS CountOfBLOCK
how to convert the access query above to sql server 2000
In SQL Server 2000 you have't have predefined operator to get the PIVOT table..
Here you have to manually write the query to get the pivot result...
Code Snippet
Create Table #BikeSales
Year int,
Product Varchar(100),
Sales Int
)Insert Into #BikeSales Values ('2005', 'HONDA F1', 10000)
Insert Into #BikeSales Values ('2006', 'HONDA F1', 6000)
Insert Into #BikeSales Values ('2007', 'HONDA F1', 7000)Insert Into #BikeSales Values ('2005', 'HONDA IRL', 100)
Insert Into #BikeSales Values ('2006', 'HONDA IRL', 99)
Insert Into #BikeSales Values ('2007', 'HONDA IRL', 1000)Insert Into #BikeSales Values ('2005', 'HONDA MotoGP', 124)
Insert Into #BikeSales Values ('2006', 'HONDA MotoGP', 344)
Insert Into #BikeSales Values ('2007', 'HONDA MotoGP', 132)Insert Into #BikeSales Values ('2005', 'HONDA Super GT', 234)
Insert Into #BikeSales Values ('2006', 'HONDA Super GT', 32344)
Insert Into #BikeSales Values ('2007', 'HONDA Super GT', 123232)Select
,Sum([2005].Sales) as [2005]
,Sum([2006].Sales) as [2006]
,Sum([2007].Sales) as [2007]
From (Select Distinct Product From #BikeSales) as [Main]
Left Outer Join (Select * From #BikeSales Where Year=2005) as [2005] On [2005].Product=[Main].Product
Left Outer Join (Select * From #BikeSales Where Year=2006) as [2006] On [2006].Product=[Main].Product
Left Outer Join (Select * From #BikeSales Where Year=2007) as [2007] On [2007].Product=[Main].Product
Group By [Main].ProductYou can generate the above query dynamically using the following script..
Code Snippet
Declare @.JoinQuery as Varchar(1000);
Declare @.SelectQuery as Varchar(1000);
Declare @.PreparedJoinQuery as Varchar(1000);
Declare @.PreparedSelectQuery as Varchar(1000);
Select @.JoinQuery = '', @.SelectQuery = ''
Select @.PreparedJoinQuery = 'Left Outer Join (Select * From #BikeSales Where Year=?) as [?] On [?].Product=[Main].Product '
Select @.PreparedSelectQuery =',Sum([?].Sales) as [?]'
@.JoinQuery = @.JoinQuery + Replace(@.PreparedJoinQuery,'?',Cast(year as Varchar))
,@.SelectQuery = @.SelectQuery + Replace(@.PreparedSelectQuery,'?',Cast(year as Varchar)) From #BikeSales Group By YearExec ('Select [Main].Product' + @.SelectQuery + ' From (Select Distinct Product From #BikeSales) as [Main]' + @.JoinQuery + ' Group By [Main].Product')
Using Manivannan's data, this method of creating a 'pivot' table in SQL 2005 is quite a bit more efficient. (Single Pass, No JOINS, NO Sub-Queries, No Dynamic SQL.)
Code Snippet
DECLARE @.BikeSales table
( [Year] int,
Product varchar(25),
Sales int
Insert Into @.BikeSales Values ('2005', 'HONDA F1', 10000)
Insert Into @.BikeSales Values ('2006', 'HONDA F1', 6000)
Insert Into @.BikeSales Values ('2007', 'HONDA F1', 7000)
Insert Into @.BikeSales Values ('2005', 'HONDA IRL', 100)
Insert Into @.BikeSales Values ('2006', 'HONDA IRL', 99)
Insert Into @.BikeSales Values ('2007', 'HONDA IRL', 1000)
Insert Into @.BikeSales Values ('2005', 'HONDA MotoGP', 124)
Insert Into @.BikeSales Values ('2006', 'HONDA MotoGP', 344)
Insert Into @.BikeSales Values ('2007', 'HONDA MotoGP', 132)
Insert Into @.BikeSales Values ('2005', 'HONDA Super GT', 234)
Insert Into @.BikeSales Values ('2006', 'HONDA Super GT', 32344)
Insert Into @.BikeSales Values ('2007', 'HONDA Super GT', 123232)
[2005] = sum( CASE [Year] WHEN 2005 THEN Sales END ),
[2006] = sum( CASE [Year] WHEN 2006 THEN Sales END ),
[2007] = sum( CASE [Year] WHEN 2007 THEN Sales END )
FROM @.BikeSales
GROUP BY Product
ORDER BY Product
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