Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Conversion problems between mssql and access


When I trying to insert data with datatype datetime or smalldatetime from SQL Server into a table in a linked access database I get this error :

Server: Msg 257, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
Implicit conversion from data type smalldatetime to float is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.

I dont understand why it try to insert it as a float?!Because from a SQL Server point of view DateTime values ARE float values.

So you cannot do an implict cast but you have to do explictly by using the T-SQL statement "CONVERT"

Look in Books On Line for better help on conversions.|||Hello

I have tried CONVERT. But I dont know to which datatype I should convert my source value.
I have converted to varchar and nvarchar but I still got the same error.|||can you post your code, and specify from what kind of data type you what convert to?|||INSERT INTO LINKEDACCESS...ContactTarget
Select ChangedBy, ChangedDate, PersonIdNo,IdNo,TargetCode,TargetCodeproductCode,T argetCodePotentialCode
from tblContactTarget
WHERE Id NOT IN(select Id from LINKEDACCESS...ContactTarget CT
WHERE CT.Target = tblContactTarget.TargetCode)

ChangedDate is of datatype Datetime in SQL and Date/Time in Access.
This INSERT will trigger the error I wrote about.|||Try to convert it to a varchar. use the CONVERT function so that you can even specify the dateformat you need to have

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