Saturday, February 25, 2012

contains/fuzzy/substring - type of join between two tables - MS SQL 2000

ok, I have a table with names of countries.
I have another table with a description field.
I want to join the country_name with the description field, BUT
instead of the join being based on equality, I want it be based on
country_name appearing in the description field.
Is this possible?You can try to use LIKE or PATINDEX in WHERE if these can find your
country_name in your fields
Will be not very efficient, though
"metaperl" <> wrote in message
> ok, I have a table with names of countries.
> I have another table with a description field.
> I want to join the country_name with the description field, BUT
> instead of the join being based on equality, I want it be based on
> country_name appearing in the description field.
> Is this possible?
>|||On Jun 29, 5:07 pm, "AlexS" <salexru200...@.SPAMrogers.comPLEASE>
> You can try to use LIKE or PATINDEX in WHERE if these can find your
I dont think... AHA! a correlated subquery should do it! thanks.

> country_name in your fields
> Will be not very efficient, though
Me no care |||You should also be able to use fulltext for this.
Here is an example
select * from TableWithName join (select [key] from
descriptionColumn, @.SearchPhrase))
as t
on t.[key]
Assuming that the primary key column of TableWithDescriptionField is the
same value as the PK of the TableWithName (ie pk fk relationship).
Looking for a SQL Server replication book?
Looking for a FAQ on Indexing Services/SQL FTS
"metaperl" <> wrote in message
> ok, I have a table with names of countries.
> I have another table with a description field.
> I want to join the country_name with the description field, BUT
> instead of the join being based on equality, I want it be based on
> country_name appearing in the description field.
> Is this possible?

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